4 ways to personalize your small business

customer-service-1433639_640By Henry Brown

When you have a small business, one key to success is creating a strong bond with the customers. One method for doing this is to personalize your business. If customers feel they really know you and think of you as a friendly, helpful person, it is harder for them to walk away and use another vendor. Here are ideas and put them into practice wherever you can.

Develop a relationship with customers

Developing a relationship with your customers is the key to personalizing your business. You have to make sure you develop a deeper relationship with them. And this can be done through a number of means. Contacting them directly and sending them personal marketing is a great way of achieving that. Personal calls every few months from customer service is a great way of achieving this. The stronger your bond with customers is, the higher your levels of retention will be.

Run a blog

It’s also worth thinking about the fact that a blog can work wonders in this sense. You have to recognize the importance and influence a blog can offer you these days. It gives you a chance to discuss your business, and other unrelated issues, in a less formal manner. People will feel like they get to know a more personal side of you by reading your blog. Plus, a comments section will allow people to message you and leave their comments. This is a good approach to take and adds a slightly more personal level to your business.

Set up a charity

If you have the money and a great cause, then you should consider setting up a charity. This is an excellent way to make sure your business is more personalized. You should look into trying to set up a charity that is going to make a difference. It shows a different side to your brand and helps you to deal with real issues affecting people. This allows you to be more personal and to interact with others on a deeper level. As a bonus, it also helps you to generate more interest in your brand and attracts positive attention. Just make sure you follow all of the legal requirements for creating a charity and for handling donations.

Personalize your service

How about making your interaction with customers more personalized as well? This means that when they deal directly with the company, they will feel like the service is just for them. You can achieve this by making use of virtual offices. How you ask? If check out yourvirtualofficelondon.co.uk you’ll see all the services these virtual offices can provide. You also need to prioritize customer service and make decisions geared towards impressing clients. This is a great way of making sure your customers feel like they are being taken care of personally by you.

If you can make your company as personalized as possible, you will attract more people to it. Customers are more likely to want to get involved in a business that’s a bit more personal. It feels to them like they matter and like the company is more relatable. So, you need to try to focus on this as much as you possibly can.

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