Futuristic content marketing tactics you should plan for

By Kris Trecer

Content marketing is a dynamic strategy that changes based on the evolution of technology and customer behavior. Business owners are always trying to stay ahead of the competition. They are looking to identify the next step in content marketing campaigns.

From analyzing a customer’s online habits and integrating emerging technology, marketers have identified several of these futuristic content marketing campaigns. In this piece, we’ll look at four interconnected strategies you should plan to ensure that your content marketing tactics are in line with the next expected shift.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is being used by marketers today to predict a customer’s behavior and tailor their content based on the gathered data. In what appears to be a strategy straight out of a science-fiction movie, this technology can analyze a large amount of information and turn that data into significant insights, anticipating an individual’s action before it’s even committed.

To use AI in your campaign, you need to follow three major steps. First, you should identify your goal as a business owner to give you a clear path in how to move forward. Second, conduct data mining and select a campaign model based on your desired outcome. Again, this step is deeply rooted in the marketer’s objective as it’ll help laser focus the campaign.

The last step is where the model is applied. However, you shouldn’t stop there. Having completed these three steps will chuck you in another endeavor: strategy refinement. As mentioned earlier, content marketing is in a constant state of transformation, and business owners who aren’t keeping up with the trend will fall on the sidelines.

AI tools

So what exactly are these tools, and how can you take advantage of them? Similar to other industries, AI tools in content marketing have several big players that offer a unique edge to business owners.

HubSpot is one of the most popular choices out there. Hubspot’s Content Strategy tool uses machine learning to give owners solid content ideas and specific topics to pursue. These topics are based on relevance and audience engagement, which increases the chance of the content getting clicks. This process drastically decreases the trial and error phase and directly gives the strategy momentum.

BrightEdge is another popular tool that has proven itself in the content marketing industry. The tool uses AI to identify what people are searching on the web. As a result, content marketers are given highly relevant keywords that are then infused in a piece to attract the attention of search engines. Search engine optimization and quality content remain the pillars of content marketing campaigns. And by combining both with AI-assisted strategies, you’ll be able to widen your reach while simultaneously attracting people that are interested in your specific niche.

Visual content

Although written content is the lifeblood of this marketing strategy, visual content is also establishing itself as a significant factor for the future. Video marketing, for instance, is expected to make a huge splash this year as people consume more and more content using their phones.

Live video has been deemed as the most popular form of video marketing, with its usage expected to surpass its 2019 figure by more than 78% by the end of the year. Business owners are using video marketing more and more as it’s been found that 78% of people are likely to complete a transaction if there’s an engaging video made for a particular product.

Interestingly enough, vertical videos are receiving a higher engagement rate compared to horizontal videos, according to a case study done by Animaker. Vertical videos are 58% more likely to catch the attention of people and are cheaper to market compared to its horizontal counterpart.

Podcasts, infographics, and webinars are also seeing positive engagement among users. Anything that adds value to a user’s experience should be one of the foundations of your content strategy.

A personalized touch

Personalizing your content campaign has become one of the most popular tactics among business owners. And thanks to artificial intelligence, it’s easier to predict what sort of topics your target audience is interested in.

This site, for instance, is a good example. It’s easy to navigate, provides a clear overview of its business, and is tailored specifically for Jeep lovers.

A personalized touch should be integrated into all of your content marketing campaigns. From email and written content to videos and visuals, taking the time to make the user’s experience as personalized as possible will help your business grow tremendously.

For instance, a personalized email is six times more effective in completing transaction engagements. The same thing can be said for video format. Personalizing your content campaign gives authenticity to your brand and connects your business with people at a deeper level. It signals that your company is committed to delivering value and quality, two traits that encourage brand loyalty.

Although the market is saturated with competition, maintaining a personal touch to all your approaches will ensure that your business will be recognized in your industry. It might not happen overnight, but it will eventually get you there if you consistently apply this strategy in your future campaigns.


Kris Trecer is a freelance writer focused mostly on digital marketing as she worked for four years in some private companies. Sometimes she also writes about her travel life but besides writing, what she just loves to do is stay at home and play with her dog.

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