How to use video marketing to build a stronger small business

Image by Ron Hoekstra from Pixabay

By Chantelle Torres

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your small business. It delivers an emotional connection with a target audience that text-based content just cannot match.

Video marketing is not just for large companies with big budgets anymore. It is a viable way for all businesses, large and small, to build connections with their customers and prospects.

According to Hubspot, video is the second most popular content type for increasing engagement on social media. This means that if your small business isn’t using video marketing, you’re missing out on potential opportunities to reach new prospects and increase brand awareness.

In this post, we’ll discuss why video marketing is so crucial for your small business.

Tips for using video content for small businesses

-Tell your story instead of selling directly

The key to making video work for your  small business is to focus on creating engaging videos that tell your story instead of selling directly.

Don’t use words like “buy” or “purchase” in your video unless it’s absolutely necessary. Instead, try using phrases like “get”, “learn more”, or “check out.” These words don’t come across as sales and help build trust with viewers who are looking for an educational experience rather than a transaction.

If you make a long-form video, use a video cutter to shorten it so that people will watch it all the way through. This will enable them to be distracted by something else on their screen or decide they’re not interested after all.

Educate potential customers

One of the most effective ways to use video marketing for your small business is to educate potential customers about exactly what you do.

The videos explain what your company does and why people should hire you. They usually include voice-over narration using voice recorder, graphics, and images that illustrate what you do and what sets you apart from other companies in the industry. You can also include call-to-action buttons at the end of the video to encourage viewers to contact your small business or request more information.

-Create informative videos about your area of expertise

If you specialize in one particular service, like roof repair, then create informative videos on how to properly complete this task. You can even shoot these videos on-site at customers’ homes or offices so people can see what it looks like when done right. This will help make sure they understand how critical it is to hire an expert for such a delicate job.

Here are other types of videos that you can create for your small business:

How-to videos 

These are very popular on the internet because they provide detailed instructions on how to do something. For example, if you have a product that requires installation, it may be useful to create a video showing how easy it is to install. Try it on your own device, then record the installation with a screen recorder. This will help your target market estimate how long it will take. When potential customers receive their products from you, they won’t have to struggle with installation. This will enable them to focus on enjoying their purchase.

Promotional videos

You can create a promotional video that highlights the benefits of hiring your company and shows the quality of work that you do. This will help you stand out from other companies in your field and it will give potential clients an idea of what they can expect if they hire you.

Behind-the-scenes videos

You can also create behind-the-scenes videos using a webcam recorder to show people what goes on at your company. These videos should highlight your employees’ skills and professionalism while also allowing them to share their industry insights.

The benefits of video marketing to small businesses

If you have a small business, you know that having a website is essential. However, it’s not enough to simply have a site with some information on it. You also need to use video content to make your site more engaging and interesting.

The benefits of video marketing are many:

Video improves SEO. Videos improve your search engine optimization by giving Google something to index and rank, which means that your videos will show up higher in search results.

Videos increase brand awareness. A well-produced video allows viewers to see what your company is about and can even help establish trust between you and your customers if done properly.

Videos build trust with prospects. When people watch a video about your business, they feel more comfortable doing business with you because they know what they’re getting into (or not getting into).

Video ads are inexpensive. Because they are interactive, videos generate more leads at a lower cost than other forms of advertising, such as print or radio ads. Viewers do not have to wait for someone to read an article or listen to an advertisement before deciding whether or not to act on whatever is presented to them.

Time to get started!

Video marketing is one of the best ways to communicate with your customers and potential clients. It’s visual and entertaining which makes it perfect for engaging with your audience. Video also has a longer lifespan than text or images, so it will be seen by more people as time goes on. This makes video marketing an excellent option if you want to build brand awareness or increase sales over time.


Chantelle Torres is a PR Outreach Specialist at VEED.IO. She is passionate about the arts, music, and fashion. She spend her free time reading books, watching movies.

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