How you can hone your business acumen

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

By Henry Brown

The ability to appraise the market and make good judgments that are beneficial to your small business is a skill that can be developed through things like the Fox Legends Program. Some people have this ability naturally – Jeff Bezos is a prime example of this – and build a great business, this is not the case for the majority of people. The good news is that you can learn how to increase your business skills and acumen and make running your own business as successful as possible.

How do you think and operate?

To get started, you must first assess your own personality and characteristics, both inside and outside of the job. Because developing strong thinking and analytical skills is essential to developing business acumen, it is essential to be aware of your own strengths when it comes to these qualities. By knowing these, you will know where you can take steps to improve.

How does your business work?

Following that, it is critical to properly review your business model, including the following:

-The formulation and execution of organizational strategy

-Ability to make sound financial decisions

-Marketing principles, tools, and abilities

-Operational procedures

For this to happen, you must first ensure that you have a thorough understanding of your organization. Consider the value that your company provides to clients, as well as the methods by which it does so. This will act as a basis around which you can build your future endeavors.

The next step is to ensure you have an understanding of all of the roles in your business. You may also support this by providing staff with cross-training opportunities in which they can participate. Employees that participate in cross-training gain a firsthand understanding of the various positions that exist within the firm.

Understanding your business model can also be aided by gaining a better understanding of the broader market in which your corporation operates. This can be accomplished by keeping up with industry news, as well as news about your organization’s competitors and significant business leaders in the field.

Continue to listen to what your customers have to say about your firm. What do they think of your organization? How can you know what trends they are following? Being in touch with your customers can assist you in understanding how your firm adds value to their lives.

By keeping up to current on these topics, you will undoubtedly gain a better grasp of how and where your business fits into the larger picture.

Look at mentorship and support through networking

Finally, one of the most valuable resources you can have is the opportunity to learn from others, whether through networking or from a business mentor.

Meeting new individuals and gaining fresh insights into your industry, or even just within your company, will occur as a result of participating in events within your industry or even just within your organization.

Consider identifying someone within your organization or sector that you appreciate and using them as a resource when it comes to mentorship. You can also inquire about their job responsibilities, how they came to be there, how they fit into the company’s overall plan, and other pertinent questions to aid in your learning journey.

When you work together with these kinds of experts, you are learning both consciously and subconsciously. They will have knowledge and experience that go away beyond what you know at this juncture. Take a Business Coach, for instance: they will have likely seen things that your inexperienced and naive mind may not consider. They can provide you with a sense of confidence that perhaps was lacking in the past. They will also give you motivation to succeed as they guide you through everything.


Henry Brown is an online marketing executive. When he isn’t talking shop, he’s roaming the streets of London, uncovering the extra-ordinary in the ordinary.

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