Increase sales by thinking like a customer

If you want your sales to rise, look at product, packaging and price as a customer would.

To grow your sales, look at product purpose, packaging and price as a customer would.

By Henry Brown

Small business owners will always look for ways to boost their sales figures. If you’ve got some positive figures, then you know you’ll have a lot of revenue coming in. The key to sales success is getting inside the mind of your customers. Think like them by considering what makes them want to buy something. Here are a few ways to do that, and make more sales:


First of all, put yourself in the shoes of a customer. You see a product online, and you’re debating whether to buy it. What’s the first thing that pops into your head? It’s likely you’ll consider what the product is and what it does. You want to know its purpose, to find out if it’s suitable for you. Customers will be drawn to products that have a purpose they enjoy or that solves a problem for them. This is why it’s key to find your target market, as it makes it easier to sell your product to them. Mainly, you have to ensure you’re selling things that people will actually want to buy. If it doesn’t have a purpose or meet a need, then you won’t see any good sales figures.


The way your products look will play a huge role in if they sell well or not. Package things poorly, and it won’t be very attractive to the customer. So, it’s time to get your thinking hat on and look at this from their point of view. When you’re looking at the packaging, what makes one product stand out from the others? For me, it’s all to do with simplicity and uniqueness. Companies like Apple thrive because their packaging is so simple. There’s nothing crazy about it; it’s pretty much plain white with their logo on it. Plus, it’s easy to open and doesn’t look horrible. It’s easy to find packaging solutions for retail. Steer clear from horrible colors and hard-to-open packaging for your products. Keep it simple, and your simplicity will stand out.


To round things off, you have to look at the price from a customer standpoint. As the seller, you may think your products are worth a certain price. But, will any customers pay that price? Put yourself in their position and view your product. Consider how much you’d pay for the same product if you were buying it. This will help you realize the true cost of your item. You can price it in a way that appeals to customers. Don’t make it too expensive or they won’t be interested and will take their money elsewhere. Don’t make it too cheap either, or you could lose money. Become a customer and think about the max you’d pay, then you’ll find your price.

This advice is so simple and so easy to follow too. All you have to do is remember the three P’s; Purpose, Packaging, and Price. Think about all three of these things from the viewpoint of your customers. This enables your small business to sell items that are perfect for them. By doing this, you can increase your sales by quite some margin!


Henry Brown is an online marketing executive. When he isn’t talking shop he’s roaming the streets of London, uncovering the extra-ordinary in the ordinary.

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