Marketing made easy: 5 steps to gain better customer responses

Image by Mango Matter from Pixabay

By Henry Brown

A successful marketing strategy is a central ingredient in the recipe for building a better bottom line. However, it’s an issue that many business owners struggle to master.

It doesn’t have to be the uphill battle that you imagine, though. With the right strategy at your disposal, there’s no limit to what can be achieved. Keep things simple by focusing on the five concepts below. You will not regret it.

– Know the customer

Every business owner wants to reach the biggest possible audience. Sadly, opting for an overly generic approach will spell disaster.

Different demographics respond to contrasting content and brand personalities. Working with an internet marketing agency to determine your place in the market is key. Once your clients are clearly defined, all strategies can be adapted accordingly.

Ultimately, the opinions of outside audiences won’t matter. In fact, for the best results, you should actively avoid wasting time and money on those external demographics.

– Establish trust

Getting consumers excited about a product is one thing. But actively encouraging them to complete the purchase is another altogether.

Nobody will complete a transaction if they do not trust your brand. As such, building and maintaining the right image is imperative. This means verifying your legitimacy as a business, quality of products, and ability to fight outside threats.

Outsiders including social media influencers, affiliates, and reviewers are all great help. The sooner you embrace their work, the better.

– Be identifiable 

Consumers now interact with hundreds of brands every single day. If yours fails to stand out from the crowd, conversion rates will stay low.

Conversely, the ability to resonate through a good brand image can give you an advantage. Identifiable features aren’t limited to your logos and color schemes. Green packaging supplies and other eco-friendly steps are just as vital. Embrace them today.

When B2B or B2C clients identify with what the brand stands for, they will give it a fair chance. People love to use brands that are like them.

– Solve problems

When prospective clients consider buying products, it’s because they seek solutions to their pain points. Show that yours can do it in style, and success will follow.

There are many pain points that users may face. These can be functional or due to esthetics. In most cases, though, you’ll want to show your business does one of three things. It does something new, better, or cheaper.

If your products and services outperform existing brands on at least one of those three things, campaigns will be more successful.

– Embrace remarketing

Growing a larger audience is something all business owners want to do. For the best results, though, you should focus on gaining their loyalty.

When you turn a one-time client into a returning one, the customer lifetime value becomes far greater. Moreover, you will already have key data and the type of products they like. This allows you to make calculated decisions when upselling.

You can combine this with concepts like cart abandonment emails to get sales over the line. You’re almost there and a little extra effort can make all the difference.


Henry Brown is an online marketing executive. When he isn’t talking shop, he’s roaming the streets of London, uncovering the extra-ordinary in the ordinary.

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