Posts, pitches and personality: Allow your blog to blossom beautifully

By Henry Brown

As you browse the internet you come across thousands of generic blogs and websites that aren’t serving a purpose to their reader. It seems people are starting a blog without a purpose these days and you don’t want this to be the case for you. In your eyes blogging is the ideal outlet to showcase your passions, personality and innovative ideas around a niche topic. It is not a platform to rehash the same old, tired content over and over again. In order to allow your blog to blossom beautifully, you need to consider a handful of important factors. From posts to pitches, here is how to put your best foot forward with your blog.

Perfecting your posts

Crafting that perfect blog post never gets any easier, especially as SEO strategies become more and more advanced and complex. If you don’t feel confident creating regular, innovative content that meets the needs of your readers you could always consider guest posting sites. By reaching out to experienced writers you could have creative blog content in a flash. With this sort of guest posting outreach under your belt, you will have more time to spend on your small business. Don’t waste time scratching your head and waiting for that light bulb moment; allow someone to do the hard work for you!

Communicating your blogging brand

Getting your brand identity across to your audience is often the hardest part of blogging. Try to picture the exact profile of the person you are talking to in your posts and you will find it much easier to craft and create an award winning brand. You should aim to solve their problems, appeal to their emotions and provide them with light relief. If each of your blog posts can do this for your target audience, you know your branding strategies are on track.

Finding the time to love what you do

Blogging professionally is an uphill journey that many solopreneurs fall out of love with eventually. If you want your blog to keep blossoming beautifully, you need to find a way to fall in love with your job all over again. Whether you go through a rebrand or tweak your business goals, there are many ways to keep your passions fresh and alive. Remember that so much of your own personality needs to go into your blog, so that readers can feed off this energy. Keep your spark alive and your target audience will appreciate every word you publish.

Working as a solopreneur in the blogosphere can be quite overwhelming, especially when there are competitors hot on your tail. By implementing some of the techniques mentioned above, you will be able to create a worthwhile blog that stands out from others in your industry. If blogging is going to remain a firm passion of yours, you need to find a way of staying true to yourself and your brand. Don’t be afraid to use your personality and perfect your pitching skills every single time you hit publish on a new blog post; this will allow your blog and business to blossom beautifully.


Henry Brown is an online marketing executive. When he isn’t talking shop, he’s roaming the streets of London, uncovering the extra-ordinary in the ordinary.

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