Articles from August 2016

The power of subtle advertising: Small ways to make a big impact

Blogger Henry Brown talks about subtle ways to effectively spread your marketing messages and build brand awareness.

How resourceful startups can avoid the “number one cause of death”

Blogger and marketer Michelle van Schouwen gives tips on how your startup can avoid the number one reason that new companies fail.

5 insurance policies your small business should have plus 5 more to strongly consider

Business insurance expert Mitchell Sharp tells small business owners about the insurance they should have in place to reduce their financial risks.

Why you are failing at marketing your small business?

Guest poster Henry Brown points out 4 major ways start-ups and small businesses fail in their marketing. These are all mistakes you can fix.

Is your year-end marketing plan in place? It should be!

Mark Auerbach gives smart, money-saving tips on how to prepare now for your year-end marketing push for your small business.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover