A comfort blanket: Creating that sense of security in your small business

By Henry Brown

Security is a notion that has many connotations. When your small business is making progress, you’ve got to find how best you can create the sensation of security in your company. It’s not just about having things under lock and key! What can you do that forms a security blanket of sorts in your business?

Adequate cyber protection

Nowadays, cybersecurity is absolutely everywhere. For your business to be compliant with the various rules and regulations, it’s essential that you have everything in place. Technology can be a difficult component, but this is where a CIO, or chief information officer, can help. This is quite an expense for any modern business, but there are companies that can provide this. The Ntiva virtual CIO services highlight how you can get the benefits of a CIO without having one in-house. Cyber protection can feel like one of those overstated concepts, but when you don’t have it in place, you’re leaving yourself open to so much in the way of infiltration that you will pay the price!

Peace of mind

Peace of mind is an interesting concept in relation to security. After all, you need peace of mind that your business is running effectively, but it’s your employees’ peace of mind that is more important. This doesn’t just relate to the physical security aspect of things, but it’s also relates to their ability to work productively knowing that their roles are safe. As a small business owner, this can be a very difficult thing to promise. And as such, you need to find other ways to give them that sense of emotional security in their job roles. Can you give them perks? Or can you offer them things that other modern businesses do not? Peace of mind results in happier workers, but it improves their productivity infinitely.

Data protection practices

And while cybersecurity is such an essential component these days, you still need to make sure that everybody is operating with some form of common sense. This is especially true when you think about the impacts of data breaches these days. Data protection is one of those things that is legally binding and forms part of the rules and regulations of many business practices. You have to be very focused on communicating these rules and regulations to employees so they know what they should and should not be doing. It’s not just about disposing of data adequately, it is about your employees getting into the habit of protecting information, whether this is customer details or banking information. Sensitive data is held by many companies, and as such, we need to employ the best practices.

To create that feeling of security in your company, you need to think about the entire definition. “Security” for many companies can automatically go to protecting the technology. But, in fact, there are so many other components that we can overlook nowadays. But the best businesses out there don’t just put everything under lock and key; they provide security in a holistic, as well as technological, sense.

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