Posts belonging to Category Employee relations

Secrets of earning an employee’s trust

Blogger Henry Brown writes about the keys to building trust between small business owners and employees.

Crafting a successful meeting

Mark Auerbach offers important tips on how to make your group meetings more efficient and effective.

Hold the line: Develop and maintain employee procedures and policies

Small business owner Michelle van Schouwen provides tips on how to assure your employee policies and procedures are followed.

3 affordable team building ideas for small businesses

Guest poster Barron Rosborough recommends three ways a small business owner can build team spirit among employees.

Approach small business recruitment the right way

Blogger Henry Brown offers advice on how to make the best hires for your small business.

New answers about what motivates your small business employees

Mastering the art of employee motivation will take you a long way toward small business success; here are resources to help.

The essentials of getting your small business through the winter

Here are ways to be prepared for the worst that winter weather can throw at your small business.

3 ways to take the pressure off you as a small business owner

Henry Brown advises how small business owners can relieve stress in three ways,

Health affects workplace productivity

This infographic looks at health and productivity in the workplace and suggests ways to help employees lead healthy lifestyles.

Focusing on health in your business

Maintaining your health and helping employees stay healthy can be a big benefit to your small business. Here are ways to do that.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover