Posts belonging to Category Financing

4 ways to fund your brand-new business

Courtenay Stevens explains some of your options if you’re seeking financing for a new business.

Small business guide for equipment financing

Joseph Brady explains how equipment loans or leasing can help your small business move forward.

Good vs. bad debt – how to use the former to grow your small business

Alana Downer explains the difference between good business debt and bad business debt.

Do you know enough to manage your small business finances?

Henry Brown writes about the importance of understanding the finances of your small business and ways to improve your skills in this key area.

How can I tell when my small business is in trouble?

Edward Wade points out red flags that indicate your small business is in financial trouble.

Who to talk to when starting a business

Meghan Belnap discusses four types of people who are important to know when you’re starting a new business.

How to drag your small business out of financial trouble

Edward Wade advises on options to explore when your small business’s finances are going badly.

Your small business has a credit score; learn how to strengthen it

Jordan Schneir explains why you need to pay attention to your small business credit score.

Quick tips for succeeding as an SME in 2019

Rosana Beechum suggests three ways your SME can achieve higher levels of success in 2019.

Why is business valuation important to a small business owner?

Gary Wilkinson discusses why getting a business valuation is important for small business owners.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover