Posts belonging to Category Small business

Viva les independents! Survey shows ranks of independent workers continues to grow

Blogger Jeanne Yocum reports on a new survey that shows more Americans are working independently, a trend that is reshaping the workforce and work life in America.

Small business owners and solopreneurs: Embrace opportunities to stretch yourself

Blogger Jeanne Yocum advises stepping out of your comfort zone and stretching yourself when it comes to embracing new business opportunities that come your way. But don’t stretch yourself in a way that defies credibility!

Having matching cultures is critical when choosing strategic partners

Blogger Jeanne Yocum writes about the importance of doing due diligence on the culture of a small business or solopreneur when you’re thinking of partnering.

Good small business reads #30: Advice on hiring, websites, media interviews and more

Blogger Jeanne Yocum brings you this month’s issue of “Good Small Business Reads.”

Sun Tzu and small business

Guest poster Bryan Clayton writes that small business owners can gain a competitive advantage by following the ancient wisdom of Sun Tzu.

Systematic delightfulness: define and deliver a great customer experience

Blogger Karen Utgoff writes that just saying you want to provide outstanding customer service isn’t enough; you have to have systems in place to support that goal.

The challenges of moving a small business: Getting connected

Blogger Jeanne Yocum writes about the importance of doing advance research about such details as phone service before moving your small business.

Are you empowering employees to do right by your customers?

Blogger Jeanne Yocum asks if your customer service policies and procedures and your overall culture are creating great employees or abysmal ones.

Whatever happened to class? Be sure your small business observes good business etiquette

Blogger Mark Auerbach points out the importance of saying thank you when someone does your small business a good turn.

Appalling, all right, or amazing…What is the customer experience at your small business?

Blogger Karen Utgoff offers tips on how to make sure you are offering customers a truly exceptional experience when they interact with your small business.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover