The dangers of a disconnected work team (infographic)

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

By David Goldstein

Teamwork is the foundation of a successful workplace. When a team becomes disconnected, engagement declines, and productivity begins to suffer. The entire business is at risk when a team fails to communicate and collaborate effectively. Learn more about the dangers of a disconnected team and how it can impact an organization’s success.

What causes disconnected teams?
There are numerous reasons why a team within an organization may become disconnected. During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees began working remotely. While this appears to be a major advantage for employees, roughly 65% say they feel less connected to coworkers than before. Fewer face-to-face interactions keep employees from establishing the same sense of belonging as they did in the past.

Other reasons employees within a team may disconnect from each other include micromanaging, excessive workloads, and few growth opportunities. Employees also require a consistent workplace culture with a well-defined vision to feel connected. Organizations that fail to focus on connecting employees face numerous problems regarding engagement, communication, productivity, and profit.

Dangers of disconnected teams
Disconnected teams lead to disengagement, costing organizations thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. According to Gallup, a single disengaged employee costs their company $3,400 per $10,000 of salary. Here are a few of the dangers of employee disengagement:

-Employee loneliness
Cigna’s research on loneliness and the impact it has on workplaces in the U.S. explained that employee disconnect costs American businesses roughly $406 billion per year. Lonely and disengaged employees may take less pride in their work, be less productive, and have a higher risk of turnover.

-Increased turnover
According to a study published by Gallup, only 36% of employees in the U.S. are engaged in their workplace. Fifteen percent are actively disengaged, and 74% of the actively disengaged are looking for new job opportunities. High employee turnover and unproductive employees can result in significant difficulties for the company, including profit loss.

-Disengagement spreads
Unfortunately, disengaged employees often spread their feelings to others. An employee with a negative attitude toward the organization may discuss their issues with fellow team members, affecting their engagement too.

-Reduced employee input
Disconnected employees don’t feel like their opinions or ideas matter. This feeling can lead them to stop contributing or taking part in meaningful workplace conversations. Collaboration amongst employees is essential to problem-solving and innovation, but disengagement reduces an employee’s desire to collaborate.

The impact on your organization
Disconnected teams can significantly impact your organization’s productivity, profit, and growth. Employees need meaningful workplace relationships to thrive. A 2019 report states that relationships with fellow employees are even more important than salary in determining job satisfaction.

The good news is that employees who feel engaged and connected to their colleagues exhibit superior job performance. They also take fewer sick days and have lower turnover rates.

Promoting meaningful connections among employees is the solution to the problem of disconnected teams. To create a more connected workplace, provide a supportive workplace environment, value your employees, and dedicate time to team-building activities.
Learn more about the dangers of disconnected teams and how to reconnect your workplace from the accompanying resource.

David Goldstein, TeamBonding’s founder and COO, is an entertainment whiz, team building pioneer and creative entrepreneur. For more than 35 years, he has been transforming the corporate events industry through unique and engaging team building experiences to build better, happier teams.

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