Articles from October 2016

Practical considerations for relocating your small business

Moving your small business takes careful planning. Blogger Henry Brown outlines the issues you need to consider first.

5 offline marketing tips that could save your start-up

Online isn’t the only way to grow your new start-up. Here are five offline techniques that can up your odds of success.

With Industry 4.0 just around the corner, is your small business ready?

Industry 4.0 is on its way, writes poster Henry Brown. He advises on areas you should pay attention to to adapt your small business to this new reality.

Lifelong tips to increase your customer retention rate

Guest poster Monica Mihu writes about the importance of retaining good customers and gives tips on how to do this.

7 ways to help an employee suffering with PTSD

Blogger Henry Brown offers ideas on how you can accommodate your workplace to help an employee suffering from PTSD.

4 signs of an exemplary workplace culture

Guest poster Henry Brown describes four important elements of a strong company culture.

Why choosing the right company name is important when starting your business

Guest poster Ranjit Shah writes about the importance of choosing a good name for your new business.

The key to business success? Develop a USP

Henry Brown explains what a unique selling proposition is and why your small business needs one.

Make in-kind donations part of your small business’s charitable giving

Mark Auerbach guides you on how to make in-kind donations part of the charitable giving program of your small business.

Precision is priceless: Why accuracy matters in your small business

Blogger Henry Brown writes about the importance of focusing on quality and precision in your small business, instead of taking a slap-dash approach.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover