6 ways to help employees feel safer at work

Image by Yerson Retamal from Pixabay

By Dixie Somers

The safety and security of employees is a primary responsibility of every employer. It’s important for employers to create a safe and welcoming work environment, as a secure workplace leads to happy, satisfied, and productive employees. With today’s rising concerns for safety and security, employers need to be proactive and implement measures to maintain a secure work environment. In this post, we’ll discuss the top ways employers can help their staff feel safe while at work.

Maintain a safe physical environment

One of the ways employers can make sure their staff feels safe is by creating a safe physical environment. It’s important to ensure that the workplace is free of hazards and risks that could cause harm to employees. Employers should conduct regular safety inspections, identify potential hazards, and take corrective measures. With a safe environment, employees can focus on their job responsibilities without worrying about their safety and well-being.

A safe environment can change depending on what type of work you do. In an office setting, hazards can include tripping hazards such as loose wires or cluttered walkways, ergonomic risks from improper desk setups, and potential fire hazards from faulty electrical equipment. On a work site, there may be additional hazards such as heavy machinery, exposure to chemicals or hazardous materials, and uneven terrain. Employers should regularly assess these potential hazards and take appropriate steps to minimize risks and keep their employees safe.

Provide training and education on workplace safety

Employers should provide regular training and education to their staff on workplace safety. This training could cover topics such as emergency procedures, evacuation plans, fire safety, and any other hazards unique to the work environment. By providing this training, employees can be better prepared in case of an emergency. They’ll know what to do and how to react should a critical situation arise.

The frequency of safety training will depend on the specific needs and risks of each workplace. However, it’s important for employers to conduct regular safety training throughout the year. This could include quarterly or monthly sessions that focus on different aspects of workplace safety. Additionally, employers should also provide new employees with thorough safety training during their orientation process.

Keep the workplace clean and organized

A clean and organized workplace can significantly reduce hazards and contribute to a productive work environment. A cluttered workplace can pose a risk to an employee’s safety, leading to slip-and-fall accidents, trips, and other mishaps. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain a clean and organized workspace by enforcing regular cleaning schedules, throwing out garbage and maintaining appropriate storage solutions.

To encourage employees to maintain cleanliness and organization in the workplace, employers can implement a few strategies. This could include establishing an organized system for storing and labeling equipment or supplies, providing incentives for keeping workspaces clean and tidy, and setting clear expectations for maintaining a clutter-free environment. Employers can also lead by example by keeping their own workspace clean and organized, which can inspire employees to do the same.

Install security systems

Another way employers can help their staff feel safe is by installing security systems. Security cameras, access control systems, and personal protective equipment are examples of security systems that could be installed in the workplace. These systems not only increase safety but also deter criminal activity. It’s a win-win situation for employers and employees.

If employers want to take additional measures for human security, they can consider hiring guards, either armed or unarmed security, or implementing a buddy system where employees are responsible for looking out for each other’s safety. Employers should also encourage open communication between employees and management regarding any concerns or potential safety issues.

Implement a workplace violence prevention program

Violence in the workplace is a concern for many employers. Implementing a workplace violence prevention program creates awareness and establishes protocols for addressing potential violent situations. Employees can report any concerning behavior, and employers can take appropriate measures to prevent any workplace violence.

Foster a positive and supportive work culture

Employers can keep employees safe by fostering a positive and supportive work culture. Providing opportunities for social interaction, supporting employee well-being, and encouraging open communication can create an environment where employees feel valued and respected. This work culture promotes a sense of loyalty, commitment, and dedication to the organization, leading to a happier and safer workforce.

One way to determine if your workplace could use more positivity is by assessing the overall mood and attitude of employees. If there is a noticeable lack of enthusiasm or motivation among staff, it may be a sign that they are not feeling supported or valued in the workplace. Another indicator is high turnover rates or an increase in employee complaints and conflicts.

Furthermore, pay attention to non-verbal cues such as tense body language, lack of eye contact, or frequent absences. These could be potential signs that employees are not feeling safe and supported in the workplace. By being observant and proactive, employers can identify areas for improvement and work towards creating a more positive and supportive work culture.

Keeping your employees safe and happy should be a top priority for every employer. By implementing the measures discussed above, employers can maintain a safe and secure work environment, providing employees with peace of mind and the ability to focus on their job responsibilities. Employers who create positive and supportive work cultures see increased benefits such as higher retention rates, lower absenteeism, and an overall satisfied workforce. So, let’s work together to create a safer and happier workplace.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer who loves to write for business, health, and women’s interests. She lives in Arizona with her husband and three beautiful daughters. You can find her on Twitter and Facebook.

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