Free book chapter offered on how to network with a purpose

As you know by now from reading past posts, I am a huge believer in the value of networking as a tool for achieving business success. One excuse many business owners give for not networking is the old “I’m way too busy to go to all these networking meetings.” Well, if you adopt the strategy recommended by one of my clients, Stefan Lindegaard, you will be able to maximize the effectiveness of your networking effort without feeling guilty about not being able to run off to every networking event you hear about.

Stefan’s advice is simple: Only network if you have a purpose. Here’s how he explains this in his new book, The Open Innovation Revolution: Essentials, Roadblocks and Leadership Skills (available on

“I strongly encourage you not to listen to the people who say you should network with everyone within sight so as to not risk losing any opportunities. You are already busy, and time is the most precious thing you have, so do not spend time on activities that do not serve a higher purpose. This also goes for networking groups, which can be very useful. However, you should only join such a group if you have a purpose. It is also just fine to leave the group once that purpose is fulfilled.”

Although Stefan’s book is written for leaders of open innovation initiatives, his chapter on “Strengthening Your Network” is of value to anyone. In it, he provides, among other things, a tool for analyzing your business network that can help you identify where there are gaps in your network that need to be filled in.

I am offering a free copy of this book chapter to anyone who e-mails me requesting it. Just e-mail and ask for the book chapter. (There is no registration process and I will not retain your e-mail address  for marketing purposes or any other use.)

1 comment

  1. Trish says:

    Hi Jeanne,

    This looks interesting!


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