Posts belonging to Category Entrepreneurship

3 ways to take the pressure off you as a small business owner

Henry Brown advises how small business owners can relieve stress in three ways,

3 tips for maximizing the potential of a flexible workspace

Guest poster Sarah Williams explains three ways you can make the most of services office space for your small business.

No need to wait for graduation to start a business in your home or dorm room

Being a student shouldn’t stop you from starting a business, writes blogger Henry Brown, who shares tips on how to take care of key issues.

Small business success #34: Mark V. Dullea, entrepreneur

Mark V. Dullea shares his story of small business success, one he hopes to share with others by helping them start their own carpet-cleaning companies.

7 brand-building tips for startups

Guest poster Emma Miller gives advice on how to build a strong brand for your startup business.

Best-kept secrets that every small business owner needs to know

Henry Brown writes about four areas that new small business owners should master to support success.

With Industry 4.0 just around the corner, is your small business ready?

Industry 4.0 is on its way, writes poster Henry Brown. He advises on areas you should pay attention to to adapt your small business to this new reality.

4 signs of an exemplary workplace culture

Guest poster Henry Brown describes four important elements of a strong company culture.

Why choosing the right company name is important when starting your business

Guest poster Ranjit Shah writes about the importance of choosing a good name for your new business.

Succeeding in small business #32: Kathryn Sullivan, The Ballet Glider by KAS

Blogger Mark Auerbach profiles Kathryn Sullivan, who solved a problem for her ballet students and other ballerinas, thereby founding a new business.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover