Posts belonging to Category Marketing

On the brand wagon: If the media doesn’t get your message, no one else will

Marketing expert Mark Auerbach provides a cautionary tale about how not to launch a new brand into the marketplace.

Key to running successful business events on a budget

Blogger Henry Brown advises small business owners on how to run a successful event on a small budget.

Best marketing strategies for different generations

Guest poster Emma Miller suggests how to match marketing strategies to different generational segments of your target market.

11 tips for surviving your first year in business

Here are 11 ways to help assure your new business makes it through the rough seas of its first year.

The marketing holy trinity small businesses must master

To excel at marketing your small business, Henry Brown advises that you have to master image, brand and voice.

Choosing the ideal digital signage software

Digital signage can be a great way to advertise your small business at busy venues such as train stations and airports. But first you need to know something about digital signage software.

Efficiency: The most important word in your small business venture

Blogger Henry Brown suggest five ways to make your small business more efficient…and increase your odds of success.

“The media” and lessons small business can learn from the new administration

Mark Auerbach advises small business owners on how to deal effectively with the media to get your story told. Honesty matters, he writes.

25 ways to build your business through offline marketing

This slide show shares 25 proven methods of offline business marketing that can help you build your small business.

Tips for combining digital with traditional marketing

Guest poster Emma Miller gives savvy advice on how to blend your traditional and digital marketing efforts to reach more customers more often.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover