Posts belonging to Category Planning

Lessons you’ll learn when downsizing your business

Henry Brown explains some of the key issues you need to consider before downsizing your small business.

Helpful tips for small business startups in 2021

Emily Taylor offers advice to new business owners on how to get their startups off to a great start.

Top mistakes new entrepreneurs make and what to do instead

Smith Willas offers savvy advice to new entrepreneurs to help them avoid common start-up mistakes.

How do you build a noteworthy brand as a first-time entrepreneur?

Anita Ginsburg offers branding tips to new small business owners.

Renting office space: What you should know

Henry Brown offers advice on how to go about renting office space for your small business.

How to prepare your small business for post-COVID success

James Daniels offers ideas on how to prepare your small business for success after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Business basics: Talking lean business strategy

Reggie Moore explains how to use a lean business strategy to help get your small business running more efficiently and more profitably.

Ways to overcome fear when starting your own business

Emma Miller suggests ways to overcome the anxiety that comes along with starting a new small business.

Tips for small business owners opening a second location

Sheryl Wright discusses what small business owners need to consider when thinking about opening a second location.

The importance of implementing change and achieving business efficiency

James Daniels discusses the importance of constant change to keep small businesses running efficiently.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover