Delivering your message: What are the common elements of successful marketing?

megaphone-562564_640By Henry Brown

There are many diverse talents involved in the running of a business. Even for small businesses, there are a significant number of things that need to be taken care of. As the owner of that business, chances are you have quite a lot on your plate. Most business owners find that that is just how they want it to be. That’s the fun of it, after all.

One of the most important aspects of any young business is the marketing. What approach you take with marketing dictates greatly how successful your company will be in the long run. For that reason alone, it is worth spending a good deal of time pouring over your options when it comes to marketing your business. However, marketing can be a strangely elusive thing. The truth is not many new business owners truly understand how it works. If you would like to know more of the ins and outs, then look no further. Let’s look at what makes great marketing great.

It’s bold

If you take a moment to consider all the great advertising you have ever seen, you will notice one determining feature. Namely: it stands out. Being bold is the number one factor any marketing must have. The whole point, after all, is to catch people’s attention. And without boldness, that just doesn’t happen. So the first thing to ensure that your marketing has is boldness. Without that, there may as well be no marketing attempt made at all.

It’s immersive

The best marketing involves the audience. Interactivity is one of the real defining aspects of superlative marketing. When potential clients are involved in the act, then marketing becomes a powerful tool that breaks all boundaries. There are plenty of ways to achieve this. Far and away the most effective is experiential marketing. This is marketing that packs a real punch – and doesn’t allow for any possibility of your business being forgotten. This can be an especially useful tool if your small business is starting to struggle.

It’s memorable

There’s a reason that jingles have remained so popular in advertising: because they really work. Above all, your attempts at selling your ideas should stand out and shout. If they are not memorable, then people are unlikely to think much of your venture. Ideally, what you are hoping for is for people to be talking about your business long into the future. The number one way to achieve that is by making your marketing as memorable as you possibly can.

It’s unique
Finally, for your business to mean anything in this competitive world, it has to stand alone. Strength in business means being able to stand apart from the crowd, in pride. If your business is unique and original, then the marketing will be too. And that feeds into every other factor that we have been discussing. If it’s unique, it’s memorable; it’s bold; it immerses the participant. Ultimately, that’s what really works in the world of marketing.


Henry Brown is an online marketing executive. When he isn’t talking shop he’s roaming the streets of London; uncovering the extra-ordinary in the ordinary.


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