These marketing tricks aren’t as dead as you might think

By Henry Brown

Are you looking for ways to revamp your company’s marketing campaign? If so, then you need to explore fresh options. But perhaps the best way to do this is to go back to old ideas.

Specifically, we’re thinking about ideas that you previously abandoned. There are plenty of old marketing ideas that with the right mindset could still work today. Let’s explore these possibilities.

Email marketing 

First, you might want to consider the option of email marketing. We know what you’re thinking. Email marketing is a dead choice and there’s a clear reason why certain people believe this. The open rates for marketing through email options are incredibly low. However, there are ways to change the rate and ensure that you find more success with this idea.

It’s all to do with the subject of the email. Don’t forget, this is the only part that a customer will see before they abandon the email completely. There are lots of guides online about how to hook a user with the perfect subject for your email.

You might also want to go further than this of course. For instance, you should look at the content of your emails carefully. Ideally, you should make sure that the content is targeted and personal for the individual user. In other words, it’s time to say goodbye to sending out the same email to thousands of potential leads.

Instead, you should use email lists to create groups. This could include people who have recently purchased an item from your business and people who haven’t purchased in months. If you do this, it is going to lead to a high level of sales.

TV choices

You might also want to think about investing in TV advertisements. Many businesses and marketers alike abandoned TV advertising completely with the rise in online marketing. This does make a certain level of sense. After all, advertisements on TV are expensive and don’t provide the high level of value that you need in your business model.

However, as with any choice, there’s still a way to make ads on TV work for you in the modern age. You should consider exploring choices like programmatic advertising. This takes TV ads a step further, ensuring that they do appear for specific, key target audiences. It’s a great way to boost conversions.

Popup ads

Popup ads can be annoying, particularly if they impact how a website functions and how easy it is to use. It’s enough to make people think twice about buying from your business. It could even lead to a high bounce rate.

That’s a problem because a lot of website owners make their money from ads like this. They need sponsors to keep the lights on. These days, of course, there are adblockers, but they can cripple a site too. So, what’s the answer?

Well, it’s important to understand that customers aren’t opposed to pop-ups as a whole. If they are relevant, they can be more invested in clicking. Various polls have shown this.

To ensure that they are relevant, focus on retargeting. Retargeting is a simple tech concept. When a customer visits your site, they explore a service or product. They might then click away, but that’s okay because you can use a cookie. With this option, an ad can then follow them as they continue to search. This ad can work as a popup or it may appear as an embed on the site. With retargeting it’s possible that you can avoid the issue of abandoned shopping baskets completely and get a second chance at securing a sale.


You might also want to think about sending out flyers to market your business. A lot of businesses avoid this possibility as they are worried that the flyers are going to be seen as junk and irritate their target consumers.

However, like with anything, it largely depends on how you approach this marketing tactic as to whether or not it will be successful. If you send the flyers out to random consumers, then things aren’t going to work well at all. However, if you change things up and use flyers to target specific groups then they can have a big impact.

This is definitely true for local service companies. You should also think about going further with your flyer design.

For instance, you want to consider connecting the flyer to an online campaign. There are a few ways to do this. You could make a hashtag a clear part of the flyer. Or, you could even use an AR code of some description.

Using the code will then provide more information on the promotion to the user and get them more interested in your campaign.

Branded products 

Finally, you might want to consider using branded products. The key idea here is promotional merch and it can be quite effective.

Many business owners have tried to use promotional merch and found limited results. But there’s a reason for this. If the quality isn’t there, clients aren’t going to use them or buy them. Instead, you need to make sure that you do invest in quality products.

Be aware quality doesn’t necessarily mean expensive. They can be simple budget-friendly items that are useful or practical. You just need to make sure that it’s something your target audience will want.

Think carefully about the type of merchandise that is going to match your brand perfectly. For instance, if your business is related to wellness, it makes sense to use sports products such as clothing and accessories.

You shouldn’t expect customers to buy these products either. If they are branded, consider giving them away with other items. This is a great way to build up loyalty in the long term and keep customers coming back for more. It highlights that you do value them and see them as more than just another number on the screen.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key marketing tricks that have been abandoned and could still work in your favor.


Henry Brown is an online marketing executive. When he isn’t talking shop, he’s roaming the streets of London, uncovering the extra-ordinary in the ordinary.

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