Articles from July 2019

Finding success with the brick and click model (Infographic)

This infographic discusses the brick and click business model and how you can take advantage of it.

The essential ABCs of brand positioning

Henry Brown explains how small business owners can master branding.

Keeping your mom-and-pop shop competitive (infographic)

This infographic has tips on how small retailers can compete with bigger competitors.

Instagram for business: Ways to rock your social strategy

Ivan Serrano offers tips on how to get the most from using Instagram to promote your small business.

Do you know enough to manage your small business finances?

Henry Brown writes about the importance of understanding the finances of your small business and ways to improve your skills in this key area.

5 most common workplace accidents and how to prevent them

Here are 5 common workplace accidents and what small business owners can do to prevent them.

5 common legal issues faced by small businesses

Emma Miller writes about 5 common legal problems that can damage your small business.

4 benefits of doing industry research before starting your business

Emma Sturgis explains the research you need to do before starting a business.

Avoid these common hiring mistakes to foster a great company culture

Wendy Dessler writes about common mistakes small business owners should avoid when hiring employees.

How to attract top talent to your small business

Emma Williams recommends ways to improve your employee recruitment efforts for your small business.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover