A quick guide to making your taxes easier to do (infographic)

By Henry Brown

Doing business taxes can be one of the most tedious things – it can also be quite stressful, if you haven’t kept appropriate records, or you haven’t made the effort to make things easier in the long run. Below, you’ll find some pointers that will help you to make your tax easier, whether you do it alone or hire somebody to do it for you. Take a look:

Get a credit card

You shouldn’t get a credit card if you have bad credit, or you know that you can’t be trusted to pay it back on time. The last thing you want is to have to pay credit card interest on top of all of your current business expenses. That being said, a credit card from a source such as SoFi can help you to keep your business expenses all in one place. This is highly effective providing you pay everything back on time.

Get and app and use other tools

There are so many different apps you can use to keep track of everything. Keeping track of physical receipts and other things can be tough, but there are apps that can help. There are apps that will store back-up copies online, and there are apps that will allow you to track everything as you go so you don’t need to worry about anything when doing your tax return rolls around.
Below, you’ll find an infographic filled with other tools that could potentially help you.

credit to UAB’s online accounting program

1 comment

  1. Accorti says:

    Nice guide and ideas that business owners can refer through. Thanks for it.

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