Posts belonging to Category Entrepreneurship

Things you need to know before becoming a franchise owner

Guest poster Chloe Smith writes about what you need to consider before committing to buying a franchise.

Realize the primary advantages of small business ownership

Long-time business owner Michelle van Schouwen writes about eight key benefits of owning a small business.

How to calculate the lifetime value of a customer (infographic)

This infographic tells you how to determine the lifetime value of a customer of your small business and why this is a very important thing to know.

Is an attorney essential when starting my business?

Alexander Hunkin offers five reasons you should have a lawyer from day one of your small business.

Avoid these 5 mistakes when expanding your small business

Henry Brown writes about how to do business expansion right.

5 best ways to motivate your employees

David Webb recommends five ways you can motivate millennial employees to help your small business succeed.

Want to shake up your small business? Try one of these ideas

Henry Brown suggests ways to shake up your small business and bring new excitement that draws customers.

The most common failures of entrepreneurs

Henry Brown points out things entrepreneurs fail to do that lead to the demise of their entrepreneurial dreams.

5 dead giveaways it’s time to expand your small business

By Henry Brown Carving out your own successful business is a lot like raising a child – exhausting, joyful, sometimes challenging, but always worth it. It’s not for nothing that we often refer to our companies as our “babies.” Emotions become involved easily, so sometimes it’s harder than you may realize to make an objective […]

Effective strategies to sustain your small business growth

Kevin Thomlinson outlines areas to focus on to sustain small business growth.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover