Posts belonging to Category Leadership

Question to small business owners: How is your garden?

Blogger Laurie Breitner’s experience in reviving her garden holds lessons for small business owners who need to take a new look at how their team is working.

In your small business, success can come from telling employees the numbers

Blogger Laurie Breitner writes about the value of sharing key financial information with the employees of your small business.

Good small business reads #21: Time management, making virtual teams work, and alternative funding sources

This month’s Succeeding in Small Business roundup of interesting articles for small business owners covers time management, alternative funding sources and how to manage a virtual team.

Free e-book on developing your own personal advisory board

You’ll want to download this new free e-book on forming a personal advisory board. It has step-by-step directions on how to tap into the knowledge and experience of colleagues to help you make good decisions.

Good small business reads #16: Save money, do better planning, staging a comeback, and stand out from the crowd

It’s time for our monthly roundup of interesting articles found on the Internet in the past month.

Defeating the rumor mill: Proactive communication helps avoid damage of water cooler chatter

Here are ideas for minimizing the damage to your small business that can be done by water cooler gossip.

Make the most of your planning efforts

Karen Utgoff writes about how to make planning for your small business easier and more effective.

Good small business reads #13: Better collaboration, the art of persuasion and why bigger isn’t always better

For the August good small business reads edition, I return again to wisdom from Virgin Atlantic’s Richard Branson, one of my favorite CEOs

Leadership communications: Do people really know what you’re asking them to do?

It is vitally important for people working together to have a shared language – words that everyone knows specifically how to define. If you’re frequently frustrated by the results your people are achieving, a lack of a share language may well be at the root of the problem.

A humble leader does not hesitate to admit momentary stupidity

A good leader is also a humble leader and is willing to admit when they’ve had a bad idea.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover