Posts belonging to Category Leadership

Leaders: Specifics matter when communicating key goals

While you may feel you’ve talked a topic that is critical to the future of your company to death, check to see if the right message has really gotten through.

Good reads issue #7: Keeping your culture cool, megatrends you need to know about, and employee motivation tips

Here are a couple articles and a webinar that should be of interest to small business owners.

Workplace conflict: 8 tips for cooling things off

Create an atmosphere that encourages employees to speak out respectfully, acknowledge one another’s perspectives and seek resolution.

Reflections and resolutions for a successful new fiscal year

These four questions are designed to structure your annual business review and to give you a foundation to spot challenges, points of pride, and opportunities.

Resolved: What one small thing can you do better in 2011?

What’s your New Year’s resolutions for improving your small business? Here’s an approach that has worked for me.

Good reads issue #6: Keeping clients happy, travel policies, and important advice on improving your corporate culture

This month’s great reads shares three interesting articles of interest to small business owners.

Mentoring: Are you ready to mentor or to be mentored?

Vicki Donlan provides advice on how to know if you’re ready to be a mentor or a mentee.

Hiring a salesperson: Is your company ready?

Hiring sales staff can have a tremendously positive impact on company performance; but is your company ready to take this big step?

Good reads issue #5: Taxes, ways to lose a sale, and smart advice from a world-class CEO

Here’s my latest issue of good reads for small business owners.

Ready to Get Back on Track? Practical Steps to Overcome Organizational Inertia

Learn practical steps to refocus your organization and change its cultural habits.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover