Posts belonging to Category Marketing

5 offline marketing tips that could save your start-up

Online isn’t the only way to grow your new start-up. Here are five offline techniques that can up your odds of success.

Why choosing the right company name is important when starting your business

Guest poster Ranjit Shah writes about the importance of choosing a good name for your new business.

The key to business success? Develop a USP

Henry Brown explains what a unique selling proposition is and why your small business needs one.

Make in-kind donations part of your small business’s charitable giving

Mark Auerbach guides you on how to make in-kind donations part of the charitable giving program of your small business.

Make your next marketing promotion a big success

Blogger Henry Brown suggests ways you can make sure your next marketing promotion pulls in customers and boosts sales.

Creative strategies to help your small business idea stand out

Blogger Henry Brown offers ideas on how to give your new small business product a better chance in a crowded marketplace.

Logo design tips for small businesses

Guest poster Melissa Lang writes about the importance of getting a key piece of your small business branding right — your logo.

The 5 stages of gaining a new and loyal customer

Blogger Henry Brown writes about the five stages customers go through as they decide whether to patronize your small business.

5 benefits of using SMS marketing as a small business

Guest poster Monica Mihu explains the advantages of promoting your small business via SMS marketing.

Positive actions to promote gender equality in your business

As blogger Henry Brown reports, there are many ways in which you can promote gender equality in your small business.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover