Posts belonging to Category Marketing

New book on sales and marketing is perfect for small business owners

Blogger Jeanne Yocum reviews a new book from Career Press that offers small business owners a quick way to get up to speed on what they need to know about sales and marketing.

Small Business Success Q&A #24: Prolifix Design

Meet the folks from Prolifix Design, a Wake Forest, NC, creative agency that handled the redesign of

Good small business reads #37: Don’t be a social media fool, mastering Instagram, and important things your employees won’t tell you

This month’s issue of Good Small Business Readers has great articles on how you can better use social media to promote your small business, plus a list of nine things your employees aren’t telling you that you definitely need to know.

Branding 101: What exactly is branding and why is it important to your small business?

In “Branding 101,” blogger Jeanne Yocum helps you define what branding means to your small business.

Book review: Start Me Up! brings great advice to new small business owners

Blogger Jeanne Yocum reviews Ebong Eka’s new book, Start Me Up!, an easy-to-read primer for anyone thinking of starting a small business.

What makes your company important? Peeling back the mystique of your brand

Blogger Michelle van Schouwen offers small business owners advice on how to define your brand. Answer these questions to define what makes your business special.

The big “Oops” – Tips for recovering from a mistake in your small business

Blogger Mark Auerbach offers great advice on how to recover when something goes awry in your small business.

White hat, organic, PPC, on-page, off-page: Isn’t search engine optimization fun?

Blogger Michelle von Schouwen discusses search engine optimization techniques that small business owners should know about.

Cause-related marketing: Don’t overlook this brand-building tool for your small business

Blogger Jeanne Yocum offers three guidelines for using cause-related marketing effectively as a branding tool for your small business.

Using radio as part of your small business marketing mix

Blogger Mark Auerbach provides a tutorial full of things you need to know before advertising your small business on the radio.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover