Posts belonging to Category Michelle van Schouwen

Nurturing connections for your small business in challenging times

Michelle van Schouwen offers advice on how to maintain good relationships with customers, employees and stakeholders during the pandemic.

Starting your new – or next – business in the age of COVID-19

Michelle van Schouwen discusses tailoring your new business idea towards something that will work during the ongoing pandemic.

Time for a customer service refresh in your small business?

Michelle van Schouwen advises that it might be time for many small business owners to take a fresh look at customer service during a time when employees are stressed by the pandemic.

The future of the business meeting

Michelle van Schouwen predicts fewer face-to-face meetings even after the corona virus pandemic is over.

Revamping business offerings for an unprecedented market

Michelle van Schouwen suggests questions small business owners need to consider as the pandemic causes lasting market changes.

Bias/sensitivity work for tumultuous times

Michelle van Schouwen suggests ways small business owners can work to create a bias-free workplace for employees and for customers.

While you were away: Managing employees amidst COVID-19 turbulence

Michelle van Schouwen offers ideas on how to help employees return to work as businesses reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Charting your journey to a new small business normal

Michelle van Schouwen offers ideas on how your small business can adjust to the new normal brought on by the pandemic.

Small business owners are getting creative to survive this COVID-19 economy

Michelle van Schouwen offers ideas for how to help your small business survive the COVID-19 crisis.

Finding your business path forward during COVID-19

Michelle van Schouwen offers advice to small business owners on how to survive the COVID-19 crisis.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover