Posts belonging to Category Self-employment

After Hurricane Ian – what happens to small businesses hit by disasters?

Michelle van Schouwen offers advice on how small businesses can prepare for weather disasters like hurricanes and decision making after such events.

5 must-haves for your home office

Dixie Somers offers ideas on the accessories you need to make your home office the best it can be.

Mobile marketing for SMBs: The power of broadcast text messaging

Sierra Powell explains how broadcast text messaging can benefit your small business.

4 simple security tips for your small business

Dixie Somers discusses four ways to make your small business more secure.

Golden rules of branding for your small business

Emma Miller explains what it takes to build a strong small business brand.

T’is the season (almost) so it’s time to get your holiday messaging ready

Mark G. Auerbach offers advice on how to do a great job with holiday marketing for your small business.

5 low-cost marketing ideas for small businesses

Henry Brown suggests five ways small business owners can boost their marketing without breaking their budget.

6 business challenges that can be solved with outsourcing

Tracie Johnson highlights six problems of small business operations that can be improved with outsourcing.

What business taxes you will need to pay

Henry Brown discusses the importance of knowing what taxes your new small business will have to pay.

5 home office must-haves

Lizzie Weakley offers tips on how to create a good home office where your productivity can thrive.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover