Posts belonging to Category Self-employment

No-cost or low-cost ways to promote solopreneur business

Marketer Mark Auerbach advises solopreneurs on affordable ways to promote their businesses.

If you’re going it alone as a solopreneur, these tools can help

Courtney Rosenfeld suggests tools that can help solopreneurs manage all that they must manage to succeed.

Key steps to influencer marketing for small businesses

Sam Nunley offers five tips on how to use influencer marketing to grow your small business.

Away from the keyboard: Keeping in touch when you’re not around

Mark Auerbach offers advice on communicating with clients and customers when you’re out of your office, whether for short or long periods.

How to jumpstart your business

Henry Brown offers advice for jumpstarting your own small business.

Books that will help you succeed in small business

Kara Masterson suggests books that will help you with your start-up business.

How I did it: Dealing with gender bias as a female business owner

Michelle van Schouwen shares her story of how she dealt with gender bias when running her own company.

Posts, pitches and personality: Allow your blog to blossom beautifully

Henry Brown discusses the keys to blogging success.

3 ways cloud computing is impacting the small business landscape

Georgia McLintock explains three key benefits cloud computing offers to small business owners.

Keeping your mom-and-pop shop competitive (infographic)

This infographic has tips on how small retailers can compete with bigger competitors.

The Self-Employment Survival Guide can help you succeed. Learn all about it here.

Self-Employment Survival Guide book cover