How to manage social media without it taking up all your time (infographic)

By Justin Green

It’s become almost clichéd to talk about social media in terms of business benefits and it makes total sense with almost 4 billion users across the myriad platforms out there. Although it makes strategic sense for every business to incorporate social media into their digital marketing presence the actual specifics of how these fit into business processes is rarely discussed. It’s also still rare for smaller organisations to have a marketing team member let alone a digital marketing coordinator or social media manager who oversees every aspect of a business’s channels.

While large organizations will usually have digital marketing carved out within a team and budget, in small businesses the social media account management usually falls to a staff member who has already has plenty on their plate. At this point, the ability to truly manage social media in a comprehensively strategic way tends to disappear and the work is largely ad hoc, reactive, and even difficult to plan. Ultimately, this is where the volume of time used is ballooning or lacks the planned investment to gain returns on a business level.

Fortunately devising a social media management plan tends to be quite straightforward and a strategic approach to managing social media is worthwhile for everyone connected with a business. Bringing in management planning with a style guide, content calendar, and pro forma for engagement will implement structure in the day to day which means measurable business and branding wins. Kiely Kuligowski affirms this on writing, “Many businesses now use social media heavily for lead generation and to build a customer base and engage with their audience, and you want to ensure you are doing everything you can to convert those leads.”

To delve into this topic on a practical level and provide further insights, B2B marketers M2 On Hold developed this infographic ‘How To Manage Social Media Without It Taking Up All Your Time’. Designed to help businesses of all sizes, including start-ups and owner-operated family companies, the resource discusses a range of tactics that can help with setting up social media accounts as well as revising the processes currently in place. Get started now with the full infographic below and enjoy the qualitative and quantitative benefits of claiming back business time.

How To Manage Social media

Justin Green is the general manager at M2 On Hold. As part of his role, he enjoys creating useful content on digital marketing.

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